Celebrating Gum Care Month!

"They are genuinely the best! The staff is so nice and professional. They really make you feel welcomed and cared for. Dr. Estler is so knowledgeable and takes the time to explain things to you. He never recommends unnecessary procedures and that alone speaks for itself!!! He's a dental wizard!!!"

Did you know that it is estimated that at least half of the adult population has gum disease? And to make matters worse, gum disease is the primary reason for tooth loss. Today we’ll talk about a few steps you can take to ensure you aren’t suffering from gum disease!

Avoiding gum disease starts with proper care of your gums including brushing, flossing, using a Waterpik, and regular dental cleanings and exams by your dentist. These practices help prevent the early stages of gum disease.

For those who aren’t aware of what the early stages look like, you’ll want to look for red, swollen, and bleeding gums due to the infection in the gum pockets surrounding the teeth. If left untreated, this infection will progress to the connective tissue and bone surrounding the teeth, resulting in sensitivity, pain, decay of the tooth roots, and tooth loss. Additionally, the infection can enter the bloodstream, causing systemic diseases throughout the body.

When the gums are infected, you may experience discomfort or pain with hot or cold foods. Some people become sensitive to sweets and acidic foods, especially if the gums have started to recede from the tooth roots. To promote gum health, it’s best to avoid foods and beverages high in sugar and acidity, as these can contribute to tooth decay and gum disease.

If you're worried about your dental health, we offer no-cost consultations this month. This is a great opportunity to get professional advice and ensure your gums are in good condition.

Additionally, we would like to highlight a highly successful option for treating TMJD offered by Dr. Estler. If you suffer from headaches, jaw pain, and clenching and grinding, call for a consultation appointment to see if Dr. Estler can help you. Our patients have shared glowing testimonials about our services:

Taking care of your gums is crucial not only for your dental health but for your overall well-being. Celebrate Gum Care Month by prioritizing your gum health and seeking professional guidance when needed.